How was your Christmas Folks?
Here's one photo for mine to begin with.
A joyful yet crazy us during the midst of dinner, check out all our expressions and poses!
This year's Christmas was a good one and no doubt, one of our most expensive house parties ever. Heh
Spent a bomb on the food, and as well as Jarrold, whom spent a bomb on the decorations of his place as our Christmas dinner venue.
Considering that the group's strength is 15 people, there will definitely be a bunch who are working and another bunch who are known as the "zhou bo" (do nothing).
Logically as it seemed, the zhoubo team are in-charged of the food preparation!
heh, I refused to name ourselves zhoubo (given that we are on holiday),
so i renamed our team to be the Masters Behind All Sinful Joy "MBASJ". Teehee
Presenting you part of the team…
Okay, actually leney and yalin were the main chefs, while i'm the part time one. Hahaha
i know its hilarious that we were dressed and look at our feet.
Pardon our flip flops cuz we know its gonna be a shoeless party! :p
I didn't have time to go earlier to prepare so i helped to get the ingredients and groceries the night before.
You have to check out our fabulous choices of food and their awesome cooking skills, read on! 
And so i went over to leney's to help a bit on carrying the food and did some dressing up at her place before applepie came to get us.
Able to spot our theme for the party this time?
Applepie with val dear. <3
Jarrold, Yalin and Kenghow did a great job in the house decorations,
check out the Christmas tree they bought the the fruits of their labour.
Love the effect of the lights in the picture.
Leney and i prepared hats for everybody
With the magnificent tree, we had to snap shots of it before party begins!
Girls and the beautifully decorated Christmas Tree
My pretty girlfriends!
Us in our Christmas outfits.
Applepie and joseph
the sweetest lovebirds
pressies from each of us for dirty santa game later!
There were some dishes which were to be prepared only at Jarrold's place during dinner time,
and my caesar salad was one of it, so we were stuck in the kitchen for a good hour preparing the dish.
Pupu was the special guest once again, super adorable with the outfit.
Girls in the kitchen!
the guys and their usual booze
and wine
you gotta try our homemade garlic bread, absolutely delicious.
While a couple of us were in the kitchen preparing for the dinner,
a few of them were at the living room doing up this swirl paper decor up to beautify the place.
Check out apple's creation.
The handsome guys and all dressed up!
Kenghow, Selene and myself, the three people who religiously do groceries shopping for Christmas for consecutive 2 years.
Looking good people!
Yalin looks like some CEO retired tai tai. hahaha
With Velvet the mischievous dog!
val dear
6 years and counting (or even more!)
besties <3
yummy food that you cant get it anywhere else! hehehe
Theme of the party was set to be as simple as it is – Christmas Colours!
So it was green, red and white.
Punishment for those who aint dressed to the theme would be to finish all the food (muahaha), im sure u can guess who are those!
We were informed that there was going to be a surprise for all of us,
and to think that we even laid out the bowls and dishes nicely on the table,
the actual venue where we would have our dinner was actually at the attic!
Gosh, check out the AWESOME DECOR!
Welcoming candles to light up the route and the room.
sweeties <3
Love the longggggg table!!
Kenghow's effortful creation- yummylicious turkey!
If you see the previous pictures carefully, you can see that there is just a plain grey backdrop behind us.
We were exhilarated to be presented with the ultimate backdrop on the glass panal which jarrold, kenghow and yalin did up the whole night before this day.
awwww, im so in love with everything here!
more love!
Me love champagne!
Cheers to a the end of 2010 and a good 2011!
guys and booze..
To show you guys a better view of the whole atmosphere that i'm totally in love with,
here are some more pictures of the awesome settings.
Never enough of Martini Asti (Please try it!! awesome bottle of champagne/wine)
When the clock struck twelve, we went downstairs for our dirty santa gift exchange game!
In case you are interested to play this in future Christmas parties, the game goes like:
1. we each have to get a present of about $10-$15.
2. we all shall NOT name our own presents and just wrap it up and place all together.
3. during the course of game, each of us is to pick a number (depending on the strength of your group, eg. 15 people, number 1 to 15)
4. going by sequence, the "number 1" will pick a present from the lot and open it immediately.
5. first present is exposed, and the "number 2" has a choice of choosing a new gift from the lot OR snatch the "number 1"'s present.
6. (1) if "number 2" choose a new gift, he has to open it immediately.
(2) if "number 2" snatch the "number 1" gift, then the "number 1" has to choose a new gift from the lot and open it.
7. presents can be snatched at MAX twice and it will belong to the person who snatched it the second time.
8. game goes on and on.
so the catch is that the last few people will have a better sense of what gift to get unless it is something a lot sought after!
and my gift for the night is an IPOD/IPAD/IPHONE Portable charger by joseph!! YAY!! i need that!
Check out the rest!
if you see carefully, the present that joseph got was the magic clean mop, gosh, innovative idea by kenghow!
Selene specially baked the bread pudding for late dessert as we were too full, and it was heavenly.
Great potential housewife and cook, leney!
and we had log cake specially prepared by Caleen too, yummmmm!
The mess after dinner
Leney's birthday is on boxing day, and we did an early celebration for her!
looking good couple, caleen and joseph 
pretty girls
more pics with the awesome background!
see carefully, its 2010!
Hope you had an extremely fun-filled and blessed Christmas like I did! 
I bet you might have already noticed leney's hair, and yes!!!
She permed at SALON VIM by John, my stylist too.
Did i tell you Leney LOVES it very much?!
Met her before bringing her to her surprise permed hair session.
This is her long straight hair.
and after a few hours……….
Check out her new hair!
one word – GORGEOUS!!!!
As usual, no regrets, and John certainly has one of the best and sincere customer service ever.
Gary, the boss of Salon Vim is another great guy, very personable and very people person.
Knowing both of them and getting to catch up with them every appointment is absolutely a joy and something that i look forward to.
With great hair, great services and great products (all by Loreal),
what more can i ask for?
and i did perm my hair that very day too!
If you are looking for perming, I suppose you know where to go!
Do call them up to enquire on prices and make your appointment!