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1110 HRS

Birthday Week!

The past week was truly a FEASTING week, and I supposed that is implicit for everyone's birthday's week.
I might put on a good few kilos with all the food, but I must admit those meals were great, and worth the kilos! teeheehee.

So there are three food places to introduce today,
think perhaps i blogged about two before but that was eons ago.


The gang organised a dinner last wednesday in due to celebrate the October babies' birthdays,
apparently there are four of us who are born in October, but unfortunately, i was the only one who can make it for the dinner.
Well.. special and exclusive huh. (*ignore denial)
And the place we went was real SATISFYING, we are definitely going back for more!!

I was told NOT to share this place on my blog (was introduced by crystal & lister at first)
and with a heavy heart.. I am still gonna share with YOU. Heh.
So please be kind!! Share with me all the good food places by dropping a comment so that i won't get your seat if you are visiting these places,
any cuisine but preferably Italian, Japanese, DimSum, Thai, Seafood- Crab, Western, Korean, English Breakfast. :p

We booked for 10 of us and got a private space without asking, marvelous!

My foodie khakis.

This place is known for having a fusion of Thai cum Chinese food, and in fact,
i'm not really a fan of a fusion type of food because i always think that the food of that particular cuisine would be best at a place where they solely specialize in that cuisine.
But amazingly, this place has great variety and standard of food is excellent in my opinion!

Prices are very worth it, and the quality of food exceeded our expectations given the price.
A good place for family gatherings especially when the older generation prefers chinese cuisine mainly.

They signature fried rice.

Phad Thai

Plum sauce chicken

Broccoli with REAL crab meat

BEST BEST BEST! Buttered Squid, the sauce is to-die-for!

BEST BEST BEST AS WELL! Jingdu Pork Ribs is a must try!

Pork floss fried tofu.

And for dessert, i was surprised by cupcakes baked by Selene! <3

banana cinnamon cupcakes, YUMZ!


If you realised, i have not shared the name of this place and you might have heard or went there before, it is:

6542 0957
LUNCH: 12- 3PM

Thank you to the lovely peeps for the dinner and for my birthday dinner outfit,
am wearing Thread Theory's stylish black maxi jumpsuit (inspired by well known Nasty Gal) for the evening!


Sometime last week, I met up with good-o sharoniee, darryl and sinyee,
and after hearing so much about , we decided to head there for dinner.

Yes, weird to pancakes for dinner you might think, and that it's not really a proper full meal,
but the serving was pretty huge!
Pancakes were kinda fluffy and thick, though i very much prefer thinner pancakes (something like macs),
but taste of pancakes was pretty similar to what Macs has.


Wearing a ultra comfy knit top from Thread Theory, love knitted tops! they go well with everything! :)

The place was cozy albeit that it was pretty cramped, so wise to make a reservation if you are heading there.
Flavors of the toppings with pancakes were really special and different,
you can expect savory flavors like garlic butter prawns (i had that!), eggs benedicts, sausages with pancakes etc,
or sweet flavors like snickers sauce with pancakes, banana chocolate etc.

Since i'm at a place that offers such unique flavors,
i settled for Garlic butter prawns pancakes though i was feeling rather unsure about the taste.
Was convinced by sharoniee after she said that it might be the best on the menu.
True enough, i think that it was the best outta the three flavors we ordered, but i got so full after eating just one pancake!

Maybe it's just me, but i got really "gelat" (too much) of pancakes after eating just one.
The taste was pretty unique but perhaps because of the uniqueness, i don't really know how to appreciate the taste.
Worth a try, but it's pretty pricey for just pancakes, heh.
Think i got an overdose of pancakes, will be a while after that i will be craving for pancakes again.

Eggs benedicts pancakes, a tad weird, and i feel that the pancakes are too thick for my liking.

this is worth a try!

Snickers sauce with kinder breno and ice cream, too sweet and "gelat" after eating one pancake as well.
Better to share it amongst everybody.

If you are a pancake fan too,
you can give it a try!


6333 4202


The bridesmaids and the bestmen of our beloved newly weds was invited by them to have a dinner gathering one Friday night.
Simple outfit for the day, and wearing this flowy top from which is versatile and easy- with a leggings and im done!

We had Korean food at Seoul Yummy (Suntec) for dinner and I actually visited the place before, at the Clarke Quay Central,
and I remember that it was good, food was delicious and authentic, tasted just like what i ate in Korea.

The sweeties.

We got ourselves a dinner set, what i love about that place is that they have different dinner sets,
and four of us shared a $88.90 set, which had four mains and many more side dishes etc.
But in comparison to the standard of food, i prefer the Clarke Quay branch though.

this was yummy!

#B1-048/049, SUNTEC CITY MALL,

6836 2883


And one more outfit of the past week!

A manufactured colourblock dress from , elegant looking and comes in many different colours, was in a dilemma choosing the colours!
Perfect for dinner functions i must say. :)




0310 HRS

Just Vim

With Yina at Salon VIm!

As you can guess… I visited my usual Salon Vim and got myself a haircut, colour and treatment recently!

It's really just amazing how different you feel upon stepping into the Salon and when you leave after doing the necessary.
The good feeling – a fresh new look at its optimal condition, that is just what ALL of us deserve totally from time to time and I am sure,
the confidence level goes up the next moment by a lil notch everytime you do your hair.
Maybe it's just me or so, but I just don't want to go right straight home after trips to Salon Vim and would want to be out with the new hair,
because going home would be unfair and a waste to the pretty hair, GEEZ.

The only thing i have not tried all these years is to cut the hair short SHORT,
still rather unwilling to give it a try yet cuz my hair takes forever to grow.
So i kinda ran of out ideas on what to do with my hair each time I visit the Salon,
BUT it will always be a good thing to have a salon I dedicate myself to,
simply because I will just go to my usual stylist, John, at Salon Vim and say:

"John, just do whatever you want, I trust you"

And i really do! heh, probably to be safe than sorry, i will keep him updated with what am I doing for that period (eg. career wise),
so that he knows when to play loud and when to play tame with the hairstyle.

This recent hair colour that he did for me was something new in terms of techniques.
Glad to be using Loreal Professional's INOA colour – Ammonia Free No odour!! and I wanted something like an uber dark brown tone for my hair time.
The colour that John did for me faded a bit already, but you can refer to THIS post to see the dark toned hair colour.

What was special about the recent dye that I like was that John didn't just give me a dark colour and that's it,
in fact, he helped play with colours to enhance the visual texture of the hair by giving me a slightly lighter toned highlight on the hair.
Well, we can't improve our hair that dramaticallyin a short while, so might as well get a better dye to help make the hair healthier as time goes by!
This way, you will never be deemed as belonging in the ultra bad hair category for any moment in time after your salon trip.

So the latest technique he tried on my hair was called the TIME MASTER. Sounds really long lasting.
Won't want to bore you with the terms, so it's basically the combination of two similar colour tones,
and the way how it is highlighted accordingly to your head shape.
I suppose for this, you need the right hairstylist who has been through training to do it well,
and I am sure John has already tried and tested (i'm one of them) heh, so i assure you..

Decided to camwhoreeee a few more shots (actually a lot more with different hats but i chose these few, well…we are all the same!!) with the new hair!!
This new technique of hair dye is suppose to interpret WILD yet CONTROLLED hair.
Yes i can see that it makes the hair tame and neater even with highlights!

How do you like my new watermark? :p

If you are interested to try out my dedicated stylist John @ Salon Vim:

Book an appointment and quote my blog for 10% discount for all hair services!


*And if you are wondering where is this lovely green dress from (i wore this in all the self-pic above!),
you would love to check it out from DOT (Yi Xiao Dian)!

*I simply love dresses like this, simple and not too complicated with design,
yet very comfortable on the skin, yet another piece by DOT (Yi Xiao Dian)!


Got myself some items from my friend's to support her for charity causes!

Quite amazed by the handcrafts, given that these are done up carefully in details by unfortunate women using old magazines,
and the quality is terrific! Very durable, especially the bag, and I am sure it can last long.
Definitely a good buy for my household!

Got these items:

Tissue box.

Holder for Remote or anything in fact.

And a shoe shape holder for my stationary as well!

They will only be selling for a limited period, and I think it's done up well and classy,
do pop over to their for more details. You can message them there if you are interested to get any item!
Do show some kindness and support them at their page by liking too. ;)


And oh yes, i have just gotten tickets for myself and the girlfriends for this upcoming Hip Hop Party at Marina Barrage - the O.N.O Hip Hop Hooray!
Heard that it's gonna be really exciting as they will be featuring 8 well-recognized Hip Hop deejays in the local/international scene, such as:

DJ Andrew Chow,
DJ Andrew Tee
DJ KoFlow
DJ J Styles
DJ Ollie Des
DJ Titus
DJ Xarin Garuda
DJ Krumbs

It's gonna be one amazing big-scale event and yes!! I am actually gonna be there to support my friend as well, DJ KRUMBS!
Got to know him through my hall (hostel) back in NUS, and he was already deejaying for quite a while,
very talented guy i must say.

Come join the party!
Details are as follow:

Date: 22nd October 2011, Saturday
Location: Marina Barrage (we will be facing Flyer and the CBD area, party under the stars!)
Time: 8pm doors open (9pm, DJ starts)

$30 inclusive of 2 standard drinks (advance)
$40 inclusive of 2 standard drinks (at the door)
Tickets are currently out on sale HERE.

No worries if you want to drink and party all night, just make sure you don't drive!!
Got to know that they have shuttle bus services at half hour interval,
round trip form Barrage to Marina Bay MRT Station (when MRT is still open),
and after that, it will be from Barrage to MBS Convention Center Bus Stop.

Got the tickets too though its outdoor, cuz rain or shine, they promise to keep you partying!
You can check out more at their site .
Or you can see their as well and fine out more,
at the same time, they have this "Guess the Deejay" contest going on, and we can all win something!!

Too bad I'm not the 500th ticket holder (500th purchase), if not i will get to win a PUMA apparel worth $150!
See ya there!! ;)




0110 HRS

Foodeavour- AOBA Hokkaido Ramen

I had a wonderful birthday celebration planned by hurhur this year,
and I shall leave the details to the post birthday entry once the pics are done and up! ;)

Was really touched by the act and very astonished to be blindfolded at 12AM on the day of my birthday,
and received this in my hands the very next moment…
He knows me best, and got me a gift on my wishlist- the prada wallet which was what i have been looking for the longest time,
getting friends to check in hong kong etc but always didn't bear to part with the moolahs in the pocket. heh

Yes, I'll make sure i will take 1000000 times good care of it. ;p


Daiso has always been my favourite shop, and i always leave there with NO intention to buy anything,
but always come out with a bag full of things, especially snacks from there.
But still, i love doing shopping there, they have totally tonnes of stuff!

*Wearing a green corporate work dress from pearlavish, love the neckline cut and the sleeves. Definitely enhances your shoulders.

Spent about an hour in fact doing shopping at Daiso today and by the time hurhur and i stepped out of the store,
we were famished!

Wanted to queue for Itacho (our favourite japanese sushi place) but the queue was horrendously long as usual,
and we decided to dine in at this Ramen place- AOBA Hokkaido Ramen @ ION Orchard.

We were rather skeptical about dining in at first because there was no queue at all and the place was not quite filled given that it was peak dinner time somehow.
But the starving stomachs couldn't hold much longer and we ordered a set each- One Ramen and one hot stone rice.

Taken from, didn't manage to snap any pics of the place.

Mr hurhur

Our Shoyu Ramen- SGD$16.90.

I must say the food was really satisfying (don't think it was because we were hungry), but I like their Shoyu Ramen!
The broth was tasty, and the noodles were thin and al dente,
plus the fact that i like my Ramen plain with just char siew and egg, without much bamboo shoots and bean sprouts etc,
and that was exactly how the Ramen was cooked.
Awesomeee <3

Our yakiniku (grilled meat- pork) stone rice, SGD $9.90

The hot stone rice was equally delicious as well,
and we had the yakiniku (grilled meat- pork) stone rice, and it was just simply heavenly…
Love stone pot rice because even after 15 minutes, the entire bowl will still be pipping hot!

We also topped up $3 to get a side dish and a drink each for the complete set.
Didn't manage to get any pics for this.

TEL: 6509 9394


More outfits of the week, BFI!

*A good quality structured scallop neckline dress from pearlavish, one which accentuates your waistline!

*A coral maxi from pearlavish, which comes with the belt as well and good inner lining.
Bet it would complete the entire look with just a simple straw hat! ;)




1210 HRS

Something New Coming Your Way

Some say that we dress-up to attract attention from the opposite sex, but I beg to differ.
Reason is simple, I would think that dressing up is a form of self-love & respect,
and wanting to feel good after dressing up to make sure we get that confidence in ourselves whenever we head out.
Afterall, impression counts isn’t it?

And yet again, I strongly believe how we dress-up to derive a style of our own (I believe we each are associated with a particular main style,
and I bet your friends will point out that style for you if you haven realized it yourself!) is actually associated with what shows we watch and who are the people we follow –
and slowly, aim to achieve the so called similar style and all because that person(s) is just so beautiful (or handsome).

No doubt. Eg. I have a friend who has the height and look like Alessandra  Ambrosio from Victoria Secret.
(my favourite is still mirander kerr)


In terms of her hair, style and the way she portrays herself..everything is so similar.
With that in mind, she (my friend) looks really hot too (and no, she doesn’t dress like the above).
And after a while, I realized her biggest idol is truly Alessandra  Ambrosio since she was young!!

Guys, not gonna tell you who she is, she’s attached and getting married!!

So, I think I’m in love with too many characters and that’s probably how I get my  “I-think-its-nice-but-hurhur-thinks-its-weird-sometimes” style. Geez.
Well, apparently, hurhur thinks I dress weirdly at time, it goes like this:

Me: (done dressing up) bee, I just bought this new top, pretty??
Hurhur: hmm Ok.. not bad but it’s kinda weird looking. But I don’t know how to appreciate what you are wearing today…
Me: huh? Not why weird??! I like this top a lot!
Hurhur: I don’t know.. sometimes the stuff you wear is kinda different and weird..

Well. After talking to a few guys and girls (mentioning about their BFs),
the nice style refers to just a simple dress or the basic outfits, and weird is most probably referring to like cape designs, hole designs of the top, unique neckline etc. 
But but…. IT’S STYLE! See how gossip girls dress!!

So my point is, that’s another reason to show that our main aim is not to attract
(though im sure there is a bit of that, I mean, who doesn’t want to impress the “guy/girl” he or she likes right?)
but wanting to make ourselves feel good.
So it doesn’t matter if whoever finds it weird because it’s subjective,
or unless its like way overbearing to most such as some girls-
wearing super low cut but has the not supposed to surface bra showing out,
or very obvious VPL or skirts as short as the undergarment etc, for that, it’s really really.. weird in a negative way.

So coming back into the style topic, yes, I love watching gossip girl and exploring their styles!
I know a lot of  my guy friends watch it too, so definitely, the styles are truly not weird sometimes, just UNIQUE. Teehee.
But there are certain apparels that I never thought could go together,
but after watching, it does create a very different yet admiring outfit after they pieced them together.
That’s one of the awesomeness about the show!

And talking about that,
a few bloggers and myself attended an amazing party by Robinsons & Mio Tv-
The Prime Time Fall Fashion, last week at one of Singapore’s newest and well-known club – Avalaon @ MBS.

First pic: Nicole, Yina & myself
Second pic: Myself, Nicole, Vel, Valerie & Michelle.

Great to know that Vel and Nicole were gracing the event as well,
and it was see familiar faces and it was good to see other familiar faces like Huiwen, Clara, Alexa, Yina, Zoe, Qiuting which made the night an enjoyable and fun-filled one.
Not only that, I made three new friends, our very own Miss Singapore 2011 (this year!) Valerie, and two Michelle, definitely a pleasure. 

We had a lil fun at the entrance before the event starts!

With vel, Nicole and huiwen. Vel wore this real gorgeous pair of wedges that made us all feel short! Heh.

Nicole and I decided to go RED for our dressing,
and it was uber easy to spot us amongst the crowd as most were donned in black. In the end,
we received so many printed-out shots by the event’s team and were tasked to pass to the friends in the pictures. Heh.

With Alexa and zoe.

And we spotted tough FRESH MEAT outside patrolling, I was feeling normal but I think vel was really excited (check out the cheeky look). Geez. :p

Looking at the Robinsons above, you know there is something different and exciting about it. A new feel of Robinsons and I like it.

The event that shows case the collaboration between Robinsons and Mio TV was quite a different experience.
As you might be thinking how they can team up, well, here what I am for to tell you!
Friends who know me would know that I can never get enough of the US TV series,
especially exciting & addictive ones like Vampire Diaries, Gossip Girl etc and the next I am looking to watch is Nikita by the ultra hot Maggie Q!
And also, it’s awesome to be already subscribed to Singtel (in fact, my whole family is) be it for phone, internet, or TV because mio TV will be bringing to us all of these shows,
and the best part is they will be right on TV as soon as 24 hours after the US telecast!

With ultra clear quality, here are some of the shows:
1. Gossip Girl
2. The Mentalist
3. Nikita
4. Revenge
5. Desperate Housewives
6. Vampire Diaries
7. American Horror Story
8. Person of interest
9. Steven Spielberg’s Terra Nova
And many other more awaiting for you!

So like I have mentioned, these shows are popular because they have great story lines and very gorgeous and popular stars starring in it,
and that’s how people derived their admired characters in them, at the same time,
get their styles and re-create looks from these hit US TV series! Read on to know the next exciting part!

We headed right into Avalon first… and love the walkway!

 Cool beans and roles changed, Nicole was my model for these shots. ;p

It was my first time stepping into Avalon and it was closed this even, it definitely looks very promising and I will be back to check out the club some day again. ;)

The bloggers all sat together and I must say the club has really comfortable seating cubicles that give you adequate privacy as well. Check out my gorgeous table mates!

Qiuting, Michellesweets, Valerie and michelleagy

Thanks to the staff to help us capture these shots!

And we met another familiar face – a tweeter friend qiuting and I met at the churpchurp gathering!

We had our share of drinks before the show starts, and as it’s called the Prime Time Fall Fashion,
we had the privilege to sit through the remarkable fashion show that Robinsons and Mio TV put together.

Like I have mentioned earlier that the shows introduced stars and another side of fashion that help re-create looks for people like us, and from these admired characters,
many of us actually get our dressing inspirations by watching them on shows.

And that’s how Robinsons play a part in helping us re-create these looks- by providing the widest range of styles including the basics as well as uniquely different outfits to make sure you walk in trend.
With that in mind, we were so excited about the fashion show that will be happening that night, right in front of us.

And lights changed, music out, we all faced towards the walkway. And before the show starts, look at the incredible view that was right in front of us…

Finally, show started!

Love the walkway and how the models stride across, all styled up with just Robinsons wardrobe! Ladies and Gentlemen,
you will be surprised to see what has Robinson’s designers came out for you in stores… check it out below!

It’s very interesting to view a short clip of the characters in the various US TV series first before we see real life models catwalking down the long stage,
each and every donned in the most stylish styles ever, similar looking to what you see on screen.
I was truly surprised by the latest collections that Robinsons came up with, how they styled and accessorized,
and I was already falling in love with so many pieces as the models walked by one by one. Kudos to Robinsons for such great styling and show!

super gorgeous!

Be your own celebrity and not just magazines, or shows now, you can actually GET those outfits with Robinsons!

I would probably head down myself to any of the Robinson stores again,
most probably the recently launched Robinsons Marina Bay Sands as it has a different range as compared to the rest-
a lifestyle concept boutique (which means you can find everything under one roof, from accessories to home fragrances,
lifestyle goods, lingerie, beauty products and fashion apparels).

To those who are in need for outfits for upcoming year ends events such as weddings, birthdays etc,
here’s good chance for you to do some shopping at Robinsons at this period, why?

1. Robinsons will present an exclusive $50 Gift card to you with a min spend of $250 for a limited period.
2. Get a complimentary (for ladies only) Smoky Fall Makeover in latest fall colours with a min nett spend of $250 on ladies fashion brands. (Centrepoint and raffles city outlets only)
3. Or spend $100 and play Hooky in New York where a lucky winner (you) and guest
will be whisked away sitting business class for a 5D/4N stay at the upscale W Hotel in Times square (I WANT I WANT!!)
4. Or get caught at Raffles City by Robinsons’ Fashion Police in Action and win $50 Robinsons Shopping Vouchers. (raffles city only on 1st Oct 2011)
Thanks to Robinsons and Mio TV for letting us know about such promotions and events coming up and like I have said, good things are meant to be shared.
Teehee, (please, please.. times square times square.. ;p)

So the exciting us went snapping away before the fabulous night ends..

Nicole and I are crazy over red lipstick, she recommend me to get it at Bobbi Brown, colour- old Hollywood. And I got it at Robinsons raffles city!

Lovely time spent with the bunch of bloggers and glad to meet two other new friends!

The view at the outdoor area of Avalon was truly amazing.

For more information, visit Robinsons and Mio TV. (will insert link in the post)




0210 HRS

Happy Birthday Bea!

It's my birthday today!!

I did this post in advance, and I should still be outside now. Heh

Hurhur is planning something and i was tasked to keep my Thursday and Friday (oct 6 & 7) free from programmes!
Am so excited that i bugged him so much to tell me some hints and from those,
I told him we shall play a game- I will write my guesses down on a paper prior to these two days,
and reveal it only after the entire thing!
And let's see if i'm a good guesser or he's a good "surpriser"! Geez.


Had a shoot two days back and in the midst of the shoot,
i was thoroughly surprised by the LB Team  with a very pretty cake for my early birthday celebration!
It was truly astonishing, and i really felt so loved!!! <3

Thank you Rach, Vel, and Jie (who wasn't there that day) and everyone else,
everyone should have birthdays like this, simple but extremely heartwarming and appreciated at the same time. :D

They said my picture was sent to the home-made bakery and that the fondant girl is ME!!!
Oh gosh, hahahahaha the fringe is really funny, and i don't think it looks like me,
I don't want to look like that please!! lol

Hurhur saw the picture and said it's kinda alright like that, small and sitting on the cake,
but if it's blown up to a real life size, he thinks it will be very scary. -.-



And i tweeted this out of fun a few days back:

it was so nice and hilarious that the Vel&Fred actually got me an additional HUGE apple strudel apart from the birthday cake,

No joke, it was HUGE!!
Awwwwwwww! So touched!
Simply love these girls since the day i met them <333