It's time to reveal something about this website,
which I believe you might have already noticed,
or maybe you have not yet.
Changing to a new domain and a new blogging platform can be kinda complicated,
especially when I am absolutely familiar with blogging at livejournal for the past 4 years.
But its equally exciting when you know you have a new blog awaiting for you,
coupled with brand new customized designs and functions,
and getting used to writing at a new platform is just a matter of time, I'm sure.
And ain't it more rewarding that you will finally have a domain, a space of your own,
with whatever customization you wanna have to better fits your bloggin style and needs totally..
So one of my wishes was fulfilled and I am indeed thankful because..
this website is specially sponsored by!
I was really thrilled about this when the IT guys first approached me at the start of year.
We have been working together since then,
from them understanding what are my blogging needs,
to personalizing solutions and suggestions for this brand new portal.
In fact, knowing that I have a lot of pictures in each entry,
I like the overall simplicity of the layout,
and not overloaded with too many things that will take the attention of the entries away.
And WAIT, it doesn't just stop here..
here're some stuff you might not notice as of yet and I am here to share them!
And basically, my entries evolve around these main categories as for now.
The left side with the checkered boxes is actually shown inside my blogging account,
and these categories are in fact, all customizable to what you need,
in which you can name it whatever you want it to be too.
I know you probably know the first post is always the advertorials,
and from second post onwards, it's the blog (personal) post.
If you notice carefully, they are better defined with the side headers too,
and I love how the word fonts look at the side of the entry box.
Keeping to my old livejournal blogging style, actually customised this advertorial aspect for my domain,
and the best part is that, they provided me with really great suggestion,
which better enhanced the advertorials for you guys!
Check them out and you can see the effect of the movement of pictures,
definitely looking more professional than before.
It is actually the same as photogallery,
but i named it portfolio as it will be more on lil bits and pieces of my past experiences instead.
Being a person who loves to carry her camera around,
I bet you wouldn't know how many pictures,
or how much space my peeks occupy in my laptop/harddisc.
So similar to facebook,
there's a photogallery that can immediately bring you to view the pictures by entry/occasion!
Additionally, I love this part about it. (See Below)
You can simply just click on any picture,
and it will enlarge with a next button to view the other pictures too.
This is not the only effect of a photoalbum, has a lot more choices for you to choose in terms of how you want your pictures to appear,
transit etc.
I guess you are already familiar with these,
and woohoo, I like the font and the way they look.
It's one of the customization function that did for me too.
I literally sign this on a piece of paper (not computer generated!!!),
and the IT guys actually helped to scan it into the computer.
They programmed it in a way that whenever a new entry is blogged,
it will auto appear at the bottom.
Teehee, coolios.
And if you look carefully again at your tab,
you can see the "b".
They did this as well, knowing that b represents the start of my name,
and making it seems more personalized. Woohoo!
Just like the other blogging platform,
the way the comments are approved and replied are as simple as before.
To be frank, I think the commenting system is better here!
Whenever i get a notification, I can choose to reply at the entry,
or just logged into my account and reply from there.
Easy peasy.
I love love this placement of twitter,
the bird icon and the colours of it that fit the whole blog's feel.
Kudos to,
they made the twitter icon and tweets appearance very professional here!
The best thing about getting your own domain be it for personal or business,
Just two words- Customize and Control.
You can completely customize your online portal to your liking and your total needs,
and by having a whole space which you can personally have control over, without restrictions.
From work-related partners to friends,
I can say definitely takes pride in their work and ensures that you get what you want.
Just like the name sounds,
they mean every single step that they do for you.
I felt awfully bad that i rang them up at random times,
or having them taking time out of their busy schedules to fit mine,
and thankful for these people that answer to each and my every enquiry,
providing personable service to me at the same time.
It's time to move…. for the better! (yes, i've moved!)
It's your turn now.
CONTACT: [email protected]